Interesting ideas in connection with net neutrality raised by BEREC, the European agency based in Riga representing the European telecom regulators
“ While QoS differentiation may be an appropriate tool to deal with scarcity of bandwidth in access networks, e.g. by prioritising voice services, the situation is different in IP-backbone networks, where additional capacity is cheaper…. Up to now, interconnection with QoS assured across network boundaries has not, or has hardly, existed in practice. As described in BEREC’s comments to specific proposals for ITU/WCIT7, over the internet, a guaranteed end-to-end QoS offer appears neither commercially nor technically realistic. In best effort networks, alternative mechanisms for improving performance have been developed and have proven to be more efficient and cost effective, such as end-point-based congestion control for reduction of the traffic load, Internet Exchange Points and the increased use of peering as well as content delivery networks (CDNs). While QoS differentiation may be an appropriate tool to deal with scarcity of bandwidth in access networks, e.g. by prioritising voi...